Monday, June 17, 2013


What a crazy couple of weeks it's been! Our family survived another Angel Day for Dylan. I can't believe it's been 3 years. On his Angel Day, our family was shown an outpouring of love. From texts to Facebook messages to flowers to being "heart attacked" it made the day a little easier to deal with. Here's a few photos from May 29, 2013:

May 29th was a bittersweet day this year. We remembered and honored Dylan as well as celebrating new life. Kalen and I went to my genetic ultrasound appointment to see if everything is okay with the baby we will be having. In case you missed it on Facebook or are not on Facebook, we announced on June 1st that "Our family is growing by two feet. Coming November 2013".

It's weird to think that this is our final kid. Our family has felt incomplete. I can't wait to meet this next baby. To see what he or she will be like, look like and add to our family. I imagine Dylan telling him or her all about our crazy family. We find out on July 11, 2013 if its a boy or girl. I'm leaning towards a girl but we shall she. Brianna is hoping for a brother, because in her words, "Sisters are annoying". We've tried explaining to her that a lot of the "headaches" that she has with Isabella is because of the age difference. We keep promising it will get better as Isabella gets older. I don't think she believes us quite yet.

My brother and I are 17 months apart. While there were times we fought and wanted to kill each other, he was my buddy. We'd take turns playing with each others toys....yes I'd play GI Joes and watch He-Man. I won't sell him out by saying which girl toys he played with :) During high school and before Brian left on his mission for our church, I remember many late night conversations about school, friends, dating problems or just life. I hope that one day Brianna won't find Isabella as an annoying little sister but as a cherished friend as I do my brother. I hope that their relationship will blossom and they will be life long friends.

So about this pregnancy, I have been horribly nauseated and have had the worst headaches. My pregnancies are still "mild" compared to others. I am extremely tired still. Since I'm 16 weeks, I'm hoping that I'll start feeling well soon.

Kalen and I have been discussing boy and girl names. We want to stick with our "unplanned" name sequence...... A boy's name that ends in a "n" and a girl's name that ends with an "a". I find it wierd that Dylan's name followed after Kalen's and Brianna's after mine. So not only do we need that pattern but I also look at the meaning of the names. Here's what our kids names mean:

Faithful & True, Remembered by The Lord, Strong, Star of the Sea, God's Promise and beloved.

So if you have a good name suggestion, I'd love to hear it:)

We are starting our first official week of Summer vacation. Here's to a summer full of happy memories. I asked Brianna what would be on her "Summer Fun List of Things to Do" and her answers are simple and doable. I just LOVE her. This is a big year for her. She will be turning 8 in August and will be getting baptized. (Her choice) We are proud of her choice to follow after our Savior, Jesus Christ's example. She will be starting 3rd grade in the fall. It's crazy she's getting that old. It seems like she was just in preschool or kindergarten. I tell her all the time, she's still my baby and it doesn't bug her too much yet:) I wonder how long I can keep telling her that without hearing her tell me she's not "a" baby!

Isabella will talk your ear off IF she's in the mood. She's a character. She has a great personality and we are blessed to have her in our family. She is determined to potty train herself. It's in the early stages, BUT I'm crossing my fingers it will be a quick transition for her. She has been asking me for Princess pants.....translation Pull Ups. She's a funny kid!

I'll be celebrating my 34th birthday in a few weeks. When did that happen??? Half the time I feel like I'm still in my 20's, despite my body telling me differently. Getting older has its perks but also more aches and pains and I'm not even old!!!

Well I better get a start on my day and beat the kids up so we can do something fun today, even if its just having a dance party in the Family Room.

Have a great day everyone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I didn't see this in my reader until now. So glad to see all of the positive. Your Dylan is definitely sending extra love from heaven. xoxo


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