Friday, March 18, 2011


That's the only word that I can think of at this moment to describe what I'm feeling. My world is spinning out of control fast.

I found out yesterday that the baby is breech, my doctor can't do my c-section due to a back injury she has and my c-section date is sooner. This wasn't "the plan".

Of course I looked up breech babies online and it's says that there may be a birth defect and that's why some babies don't turn. I need her to turn. I need her to be healthy. I need her to be perfect. I need a lot of things right now and feel so alone, frustrated, and scared. I've had an underlying feeling that something was going to go wrong. Hopefully this is all that it is. My mind, body and heart can't take much more.

Anyone have any luck turning a breech baby at 36 weeks? I need ideas.

Also please do me a favor. Don't ask how I'm doing the next three weeks. Tears flow instantly when asked that question, and the sobbing begins. Just smile at me or give me a hug.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Hugs. Check this out

  2. I had mine turn at 38 weeks exactly. But it was a scheduled procedure, done by the Doctor (called "an External Version"). They keep you in the OR, fully prepared for a C-section (in case the baby doesn't cooperate), and just massage/push on your belly until the baby is head down. All of this is done with constant checking on the baby through the ultrasound. It is a very quick procedure (about 10 min).

    Hugs! And Good luck!!!!

  3. Michael was breech and I got a priesthood blessing and he turn. Hurt like the dickens, but he turned.
    Take a deep breath. Hugs from me.

  4. my husband came out hands first... guess he wanted to say hello. good luck :)

  5. My Elizabeth was breech and she is great. I have never heard of the "there might be a birth defect" thing with breech babies. Elizabeth was not taken by a c-section only because they didn't realize how big she was. You will both do fine...breath deep Frannie. :)


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