Saturday, August 22, 2009

Running and some more running

So I've already done 3 half marathons this year. I am planning on doing one in November. After much thought and discussing it with Kalen, I think I'm going to do the full marathon instead that is part of the same race. Some might say that I am crazy to run 26.2, but once you do that kind of thing, finishing is one of the best feelings of accomplishments I've ever felt.

I've been training for the past few weeks to do the half, but now I have to step it up a notch. I guess a lot of "notches". I wish I had a running buddy. Running at least 3-4 times a week at varying miles. One of those days are "long runs", which the most I'll run before the race is 20 miles. yes, you read that right:) So any takers???


  1. You go girl.I wish I had a passion to run.... but i don't. Good luck

  2. Wow, I'm so impressed. My most ever is 6.8 and that was running the race you ran double that in...and I didn't walk normal for the next two weeks. I'm routing for you Fran!! Good luck!

  3. Running a marathon has been a life-long goal of mine and I would love to be your running buddy! But as you know, I need to get in shape first so maybe next year?

  4. I wish! I don't think I'm meant to be a runner. Even in my best shape, a 5k is a stretch for me!

  5. Your back! How late am I!!!! Congrats on the running. I only run if I am being chased :)


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