Sunday, September 2, 2007

Let's Party

We gathered with family and Brianna's "special" people that are involved in her life to celebrate her birthday. We had lots of fun. I made Brianna cake with some help. I was pretty proud that it didn't turn out to look like a blob. Brianna got lots of great gifts. We wish that Grandpa and Grandma Bjurstrom lived closer so they could have celebrated with us. Hopefully one day Uncle Kyle and Aunt Kaci will live closer too.

Can I have a kiss?

Dylan is such a happy boy. We love his smile and laugh.

Mommy and her princess Brianna.

Joan Reed and Grandma Faulconer

Joan is very special to us. She is Dylan's helper at church. She takes him to his class and stays with him and helps him participate. We are so blessed to have her in our lives! She a surrogate grandma to our kids!

Dylan is sitting up with some support provided by daddy but for the most part all by himself for a few seconds at a time. He is making lots of progress! What a big boy.

Brianna and her favorite person besides Mommy and Daddy of course!

We played Guitar Hero II while we waited for everyone to arrive. My friend Stacie had never played it before, but was hooked. She's a rock star!

The Cake!

Papa helped Brianna open presents. She got lots of them. Thanks everyone that was there.

Cousin MaryEllen loved helping Brianna open her gifts. Brianna got a play shopping cart. She loves it!

Grandpa and Grandma Faulconer got Brianna her first tricycle and a mini swimming pool. She was so excited!

Mommy, Lori, Brianna, Grandma Faulconer and sleeping baby Henry.
Thanks everyone for making Brianna's special. She got some great gifts that will hopefully keep her busy for awhile!


  1. Awesome job on the cake. Brianna looked like she had so much fun. I am so excited to see Dylan sitting up, I could tell in the pic that he was doing it mostly on his own. Everyone looked like it was a fun party.

  2. i look totally awesome!! It was a cute party, thanks for inviting us!


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