Sunday, August 28, 2011

I needed this today

Top 20 reasons Moms of kids with Special Needs ROCK!
Dandelion 28 Fall/Winter 2010

1. Because we never thought that “doing it all” would mean doing this much. But we do it all – And then some.

2. Because we’ve discovered patience we never knew we had.

3. Because we are willing to do something 10 times, 100 times, or 1000 times if that’s what it takes for our kids to learn something new.

4. Because we have heard doctors tell us the worst, and we’ve refused to believe them. Take that, nay saying doctors of the world!

5. Because we have bad days and breakdowns and bawl-fests, and then we pick ourselves up and keep right on going.

6. Because we gracefully handle the stares, the comments, the rude remarks. (Well, mostly gracefully.)

7. Because we manage to get ourselves together and get out the door looking pretty damn good. Heck, we even make sweatpants look good!

8. Because we are strong. Man, are we strong. Who knew we could be this strong?

9. Because we aren’t just moms, wives, cooks, cleaners, chauffeurs, and women who work. We are moms, wives, cooks, cleaners, chauffeurs, woman who work, physical therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, teachers, researchers, nurses, coaches, and cheerleaders. Whew!

10. Because we work overtime every single day.

11. Because we also worry overtime, but we work it through. Or we eat chocolate or Pirates Booty or gourmet cheese (which aren’t reimbursable by insurance as mental health necessities, but should be).

12. Because we are more selfless than other moms. Our kids need a more.

13. Because we give our kids with special needs endless love and then we still have so much love left over for our other kids, our husbands, our families.

14. Because we inspire one another in that crazy blogosphere every single day.

15. Because we understand our kids better than anyone else even if they cant talk, even if they can’t gesture, even if they can’t look us in the eye. We know. We just know.

16. Because we never stop pushing for our kids.

17. Because we never stop hoping for them either.

18. Because just when we seems things are going okay they’re suddenly not okay, but we deal. Somehow we always deal – even when it seems like our heads or hearts might explode.

19. Because when we look at our kids, we just see great kids, not kids with cerebral palsy/autism/down syndrome/developmental delays/whatever.

20. Because… well, you tell me!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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