Friday, March 26, 2010

I did it!!

You can laugh. I'm really proud of myself and Dylan. I had to go run some errands while Brianna was at school and wasn't sure how Dylan or I would handle it. I had to go to one of the County Offices to turn in some paperwork and the bank. Dylan was awesome. I haven't been able to go many places with him the past 9 months. One of the medicines that he has been on has been causing him to scream all day and all night. He's been really uncomfortable. I was so proud of him. It gave me a new sense of being able to do more stuff that I need to do during the day. Yeah!!!! Maybe I won't feel like I'm a "shut in". Hoping for more outings with Dylan that go really well:) As well as a converted van. I think that's the hardest part of going places with Dylan. It's A LOT of lifting. Good think everyone tells me I'm strong.


  1. YAY! COngrats Fran! I'm so happy for you, I cannot imagine not being able to go places that you NEED to go let alone, want...what a great day for you guys! I'm never going to complain about lifting my 35 lb two year old out of the car seat and in to the cart again. I so take it for granted.

  2. Congrats! I know that is huge. I am glad that he did well. I hope it lasts. Hey, good work on all the running. I am proud of you!

  3. you both deserve another pair of shoes

  4. I am glad you got out and about. I hope you get a new van soon! Strong or not there are just some things you would rather have a motor do!


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