Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ever had one of those weeks?

This week has been a really challenging week for me. It started off nutty. Sunday seemed so long ago. I woke up on Sunday with no power. I take that back, part of our house had power. I seriously thought Kalen unplugged the alarm clock, but then came out to the kitchen/family room and saw the clocks blinking. Not a good way to wake up. I felt really disoriented. So I called SMUD and thankfully they came out fast. We didn't get power on until 3:30. It made it really difficult to get ready for church, let alone get the van out of the garage. With everything going on, we forgot that we could manually open it. oh well.
Mondays are spent with Brianna after preschool at gymnastics and ballet. I love spending that time with her. She's a pretty funny kid. Then rush home at 3pm and try to accomplish something for the day. Being gone for 4 hours makes it difficult.

Tuesdays are my "free days". That means no therapy for Dylan and no school for Brianna. This past Tuesday we had pouring rain and was interesting to say the least. Kalen had to go and get a endoscopy done. They were so behind. I sat there for 2 hours before the procedure was done. We hadn't planned that it would take so long. I told the nurse I had to go home and relieve the sitter and to call me when they started the procedure. Well guess what? Our lovely phone lines due to the weather weren't working so when Kaiser called, all they got was a busy signal. Why I didn't give them my cell number is beyond me. So I of course felt like the worst wife. I REALLY wanted to be there for Kalen when he woke up from the anesthesia. Of course I wasn't. Well since Kaiser was so behind, I wasn't there. I really felt like I was losing my mind. My whole evening schedule was messed up. I still had to get Brianna a bath, Dylan fed, meds given, get them in bed, clean up, and make a run to Safeway. (that was my highlight of the day...I saved 71% of my grocery bill) So AWESOME!!!! Thankfully, my friend, Meghan needed to go to, so I had a buddy at 10pm to go to the store with.

Wednesday was pretty crazy too. I still felt like nothing was getting done at my house. I knew that I would be getting my hair done at my house and wanted it to be spotless. Please tell me that when others come to your home, you want it to look meticulous??? Well it wasn't. Luckily I had someone come and watch Dylan so I could do my last training run before my race on Saturday. Quickly go get Brianna, get my hair done and then breathe for 2 seconds. I had to deal with giving Dylan magnesium citrate. That was NO fun.

Then there is today. We had to be in Roseville by 7:45 so Dylan could get his tests done. We finally got home by noon. I crashed. Kalen took the day off so I was able to take a nap.Yeah!!(that doesn't happen, EVER!!!) Then off to the gym. It was nice to see my sister in law there. I always like seeing a familiar face. It's now 8:48pm and I feel like I could sleep for a month, of course I have to get everything ready for my race in Chico on Saturday. Don't get me wrong, I am really looking forward to my Half marathon. I feel really prepared and excited. I'm hoping to shave 10 minutes of my time from last year. Think good thoughts.

Here's some pics of our latest happenings. They include Kalen's birthday (January), going to Disney on Ice(thanks to KNCI 105.1, I won 4 tickets, February). I took my dad, my niece, MaryEllen, and Brianna. We all had a great time. The girls both fell asleep as soon as we got on the Freeway. Fun times!!


  1. OH my gosh Francesca...doesn't it just feel better to write it all down and get it all out?? I swear, this was therapeutic for ME to read!! Definitely sounds like a very crazy and eventful week! GEEZ!! Thank goodness for tomorrow-I'm sad I won't be running with you!!! That was really fun for me last year. Look for Becky, her and Jon are doing the race together. You'll do great and sound like you are ready to ROCK IT!

    I'm very interested in your Safeway trip, by the way!!! I was pretty stoked on some cheap TP and paper towels!! AND I'm convincing Jeff we NEED a freezer for the garage...hello, it's Frozen foods month!!! (wink) I'm sure you're scoring great deals!! Love to chat, give me a call!! 916-267-8994

  2. Francesca, you are SuperMom! You can do it all....I love the cute costumes on the girls! Adorable!

  3. I don't know how to do it all!!!?! I'm glad you are able to keep up with running and that you have such a supportive family. Hope your dad feels better soon. Brianna is such a cutie! Both your children look so happy, that must be a grand reward for all the amazing things you do!

  4. Ok Kalen I dont really know how to do this, I've written 3 of these already I hope this one gets to you

    I found you again this is Ruben the old exchange student, I am no longer working at Corona, I made a huge jump and now I am working in the Concrete Industry
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    Write an email to see how are you doing

    Greetings from Merida Mexico


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