Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We're Back!

We are FINALLY back into our home. It feels great! Except for the fact that one of the workers stole jewelry, cash, and an heirloom ring from my Grandma. We still have to add CROWN MOULDING and do a few paint touch ups , but for the most part, it DONE! YEAH! I have a ton of pics to add to the blog so check back soon. I PROMISE I will get some up of the kids and the house.


  1. Glad to hear you are back in your house. I am so sorry that someone stole from you. Can't wait to see more pics and update. Take Care

  2. Yay! You are home. That must be a relief. People that steal stuff suck. I am sorry that that happened to you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So good to catch on what you guys are up to - it was also great to see Grace Rich's blog. I had no idea she had one!
    I just wanted to say that reading through of your posts, I am AMAZED at your positive and upbeat attitude. You sure have been through a lot in the last year alone!
    Keep Smiling!

  5. I tagged you in today's blog. I look forward to reading your's, if you choose to accept the challenge, that is.


I love to read your comments! I will to respond to them quickly as possible. Leave your blog address so I can follow back:)


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