Friday, November 23, 2007

For your reading pleasure:)

Here's an update with pics. This first picture is of Brianna playing in the backyard. Grandpa Faulconer showed Brianna how to ride a pretend horse and now she uses any size stick that she can find. It's hilarious to watch.

Brianna loves to imitate. So she got the broom and swept off the dirt in front of the gate to Grandma and Grandpa's house. She's so silly. I'm not sure why she is looking up though.

More Sweeping:)
Brianna admiring her beautiful sweeping job.

We carved our pumpkins the Monday before Halloween. The kids loved it. Dylan got a smile on his face when I held the lid to the pumpkin by his face so her could smell it.

Of course Brianna had to smell and touch everything. She is so curious.

She loves helping. She is such a good little helper. She was fascinated with the pumpkins.

One of her favorite parts was scooping out the insides of the pumpkin.
She loved watching Kalen cut out the eyes, nose, and mouth. She kept telling Kalen to be careful because he could get hurt.

Who knew that pumpkin tasted good. Well according to Brianna it was yummy. GROSS!!! That's a 2 year old for you I guess.

Our finished pumpkins. Brianna called them pumpkin cakes because of the candles inside the pumpkins. It was really funny. She got so excited when she saw them.

Grandma and Grandpa came over for a visit and we played with Dylan fiber optic light wands. He really enjoys them. It's hard to find items that Dylan likes to use or touch.

Believe it or not the following pic was in the dark but looks light due to the flash on the camera.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Brianna was a pumpkin fairy and Dylan was an ER doctor in an ambulance. Stephanie and I made an ambulance for Dylan's wheelchair. It was so cool. Kalen and I wanted to decorate Dylan's wheelchair since that is a part of Dylan in a way. We got lots of compliments about it.

I wonder what Dylan is thinking about? Maybe, why are my parents having me wear this crazy git up.

Our way out the door for trick or treating:)

Front view of Dylan and his costume.

A proud Kalen and Brianna:) Say Cheese.

We went trick or treating with my brother and his family. MaryEllen was a Sac State cheerleader and Henry was a baby chicken. We had lots of fun. Hopefully we can do it again next year:)

This is what the wall looked like on November 1st. It's way different now. I'll try to get pics of there for those of you that are interested. This is the wall behind where my stove was. we should be back in our house soon hopefully. Think good thoughts for us.

I had to take a few pics of Brianna in this dress that Vicki (Kalen's mom) got her before she out grew it. For those of you that didn't know, Brianna loves ELMO. So this dress is perfect.

I have a ton more to update everyone on but just don't have a lot of time. Check back soon for more updates:)


  1. Francesca, I just discovered your blog and it is SO CUTE! I can't believe how big your kids are getting and their Halloween costumes are adorable. How have you been?!

  2. Wow! What you did to Dylan's chair was amazing. So crafty. I love it.


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