Saturday, December 15, 2012

Magic and bittersweet

We finally got our tree. It isn't decorated yet though.

Hopefully by tomorrow it will be. I'm loving having the smell of a fresh Christmas tree. It's magical.

This year is so different. My parents are on their mission. We wont be seeing them for Christmas Eve or Christmas. Its very very strange.

We moved into their home to watch over it while they are gone. Lots of changes for our family. It's weird being back in the home I grew up in. There are moments where I think one of them will walk into a room. The wall colors have changed and my parents are gone but there is still a comfort for me being here.

It was hard leaving the home moved into after we got married, we brought all of our kids home to after they were born, where we celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, various holidays and where Dylan last was. It was bittersweet leaving. I know I NEEDED a fresh start. Moving is a pain but at least it's too somewhere I find comfort and peace.

If you'd like our new address email me at

I miss Dylan A LOT right now. Maybe it's a combination of moving, the holidays or just grief. Hold your children tight. Love them. Be kind to them. You never know when that might be taken from you.

I hope you and your family will find peace and joy during this season.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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